It would be appropriate to call this moment "Faith in Action and God in Motion."
Guess what, friend, this month marks the first anniversary of our ministry! I am so thrilled to see what God has accomplished through faithful hearts! You have been a great friend to our mission of providing hope and a holistic transformation to homeless children and orphans. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. May God bless you.
Currently, we serve more than 500 children in the community. The organization offers feeding programs, Bible study, sports, extracurricular education support, and counseling to children in the Zapita community. It also provides sports, counseling, and Bible study. In addition, it provides street outreach programs for 120 children living in Lilongwe's streets. There are 12 girls and 18 boys living in the girls' and boys' orphanages, where they receive all the basic needs such as housing, nutritious meals, education, and mentoring. Lastly, we have a trade school where 12 youths are currently learning technical skills that will assist them in becoming self-sufficient (survival skills).Life Coaching Ministries would not have been able to accomplish all these things without your support and generosity. May God richly bless you.
The most significant update I would like to share with you is about the farm we purchased last year in November-December. We planted maize (corn), which is a staple food in our country, Malawi. Guess what? We just harvested the maize a couple of weeks ago, and it did so well that we have enough food to cover all the programs. It is expected that we will receive 160 bags of maize, which is approximately 8,000 kilograms of maize – or 17,637 pounds!
Maize will cover all the programs, including providing food for the orphanages with a three-course meal every day for a year, the summer camp program will serve 4 meals a week for 28 days to 350 children, resulting in 39,200 meals with proteins and vegetables. In addition, we intend to give some of the maize to our staff. We are planning to sell some of the surpluses so that the funds can be used to purchase seeds and fertilizer for the upcoming season.
Thank you so much for making this possible and providing food for so many children. I am also reminded of Christ's words in Matthew 25:35-40 “The king will answer and say to them, “truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me.” You are a true servant of the Lord, and you are Christ's hands and feet.Thank you so much for your generosity. May God bless you abundantly.
The Safe Home orphanage girls received some donations of shoes, clothes, and other good things. Here is a picture of them having fun with their new items.
Three of our girls (Suzan, Eunice, and Triphonia) and one of our boys (Moses) are writing their grade 10 exams, known as Junior Certificate Examinations (JCEs). Each of these individuals has an extraordinary story and a fascinating background. It is amazing to see how God is writing their stories for his glory, and I am grateful to all of you for your support.
From the left, Susan, Eunice, Triphonia, and Moses.
It has been so encouraging to see Moses fight a good fight of faith, putting in work to get good grades, since I first met him when he was young. In addition to being an orphan, he has been homeless for more than five years. Who could have ever imagined that he would be in high school today!There are three girls, two of whom are sisters, Susan, and Eunice. They are both orphans and have a home at the ministry as well as the opportunity to receive an education. While Triphonia joined us in February this year because of a tragedy that occurred with her father, who committed suicide and left the family in a state of ruin. What a sad story, she was only 14 years old and hopeless. In addition to having a stroke, the mother is also paralyzed, while her older sister has seizures. All eyes are on her as she is the last hope for her family. But now that she has a home and a school, she can pursue her educational goals. God is to be praised.
When I was in the United States last year, I received donations from the women's ministry at Willowdale Chapel in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, for the girls’ orphanage (mentioned above) as well as children in the After School program. There were many school bags, toothbrushes, books, clothes, and shoes as well. Therefore, we were able to distribute them to all our children this month. There were 560 children and 35 women with babies who received them.
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