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Dear friends,

I recall when I was seven years old and homeless, living on the streets without any family to care for me. As a child, I had to face challenges every day. These challenges included being abused by older children, not being fed, and sleeping under the bridge as I lacked a safe home environment. Even though I was in a hopeless state with no future, God was on my side even though I could not see Him at the time. He was with me in all the pain of being an orphan and homeless. My life was touched by someone in UrbanPromise International who provided me with a home, food, and educational opportunities and restored my relationship with God

It is Hamilton in a Grey t-shirt number 4 from the left and number 5 from the right. As a child, I lived in an orphanage when I was 10 years old.

Today, I am a graduate with a master's degree, living in my country Malawi. I educate over 700 children, providing food and shelter for the homeless. It is an amazing story to be told and to be part of. God is doing amazing things in Malawi through your support, love, and kindness in bringing hope and holistic transformation to children.

Stories, such as Jovita Chipiliro's, reflect my story and the big picture of what God can accomplish in our lives today. Please allow me to share her story with you, you will be amazed at what God can accomplish in the darkest of times.


Jovita is the firstborn in her family; her parents died when she was four years old. Thus, her aunt took her in and later abandoned her when she left for marriage. The reason for the young girl's aunt's departure from Jovita is unclear. When I met the child, she was just six years old and was wandering the streets to find the necessities she needed. As I looked at her, I thought, "Oh my God, she is so young to be found in the street at this age." Having learned about her family, we rescued her from the street and brought her to our girls’ orphanage, where we care for street-rescued girls. She has been enrolled in school, she is doing so well, and she is just such a lovely and sweet young child. Her favorite pastime is singing, and she enjoys living in the girls’ home where she now resides. After completing her education, she plans to become a nurse. My first impression of her is that I see God at work.

Thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ through your generosity.

I can't do this alone, but I appreciate all that you do in praying for me and the ministry as well as supporting us.

It would be appropriate to call this moment "Faith in Action and God in Motion." 

Guess what, friend, this month marks the first anniversary of our ministry! I am so thrilled to see what God has accomplished through faithful hearts! You have been a great friend to our mission of providing hope and a holistic transformation to homeless children and orphans. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. May God bless you.

Currently, we serve more than 500 children in the community. The organization offers feeding programs, Bible study, sports, extracurricular education support, and counseling to children in the Zapita community. It also provides sports, counseling, and Bible study. In addition, it provides street outreach programs for 120 children living in Lilongwe's streets. There are 12 girls and 18 boys living in the girls' and boys'  orphanages, where they receive all the basic needs such as housing, nutritious meals, education, and mentoring. Lastly, we have a trade school where 12 youths are currently learning technical skills that will assist them in becoming self-sufficient (survival skills).Life Coaching Ministries would not have been able to accomplish all these things without your support and generosity. May God richly bless you.
The most significant update I would like to share with you is about the farm we purchased last year in November-December. We planted maize (corn), which is a staple food in our country, Malawi. Guess what? We just harvested the maize a couple of weeks ago, and it did so well that we have enough food to cover all the programs. It is expected that we will receive 160 bags of maize, which is approximately 8,000 kilograms of maize – or 17,637 pounds!
Maize will cover all the programs, including providing food for the orphanages with a three-course meal every day for a year, the summer camp program will serve 4 meals a week for 28 days to 350 children, resulting in 39,200 meals with proteins and vegetables. In addition, we intend to give some of the maize to our staff. We are planning to sell some of the surpluses so that the funds can be used to purchase seeds and fertilizer for the upcoming season.
Thank you so much for making this possible and providing food for so many children. I am also reminded of Christ's words in Matthew 25:35-40 “The king will answer and say to them, “truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me.” You are a true servant of the Lord, and you are Christ's hands and feet.Thank you so much for your generosity. May God bless you abundantly.
The Safe Home orphanage girls received some donations of shoes, clothes, and other good things. Here is a picture of them having fun with their new items.
Three of our girls (Suzan, Eunice, and Triphonia) and one of our boys (Moses) are writing their grade 10 exams, known as Junior Certificate Examinations (JCEs). Each of these individuals has an extraordinary story and a fascinating background. It is amazing to see how God is writing their stories for his glory, and I am grateful to all of you for your support.

From the left, Susan, Eunice, Triphonia, and Moses.

It has been so encouraging to see Moses fight a good fight of faith, putting in work to get good grades, since I first met him when he was young. In addition to being an orphan, he has been homeless for more than five years. Who  could have ever imagined that he would be in high school today!There are three girls, two of whom are sisters, Susan, and Eunice. They are both orphans and have a home at the ministry as well as the opportunity to receive an education. While Triphonia joined us in February this year because of a tragedy that occurred with her father, who committed suicide and left the family in a state of ruin. What a sad story, she was only 14 years old and hopeless. In addition to having a stroke, the mother is also paralyzed, while her older sister has seizures.  All eyes are on her as she is the last hope for her family. But now that she has a home and a school, she can pursue her educational goals. God is to be praised.
When I was in the United States last year, I received donations from the women's ministry at Willowdale Chapel in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, for the girls’ orphanage (mentioned above) as well as children in the After School program. There were many school bags, toothbrushes, books, clothes, and shoes as well. Therefore, we were able to distribute them to all our children this month. There were 560 children and 35 women with babies who received them.

Dear friends,

Our summer camps are designed to empower orphans, homeless children, and children from the nearby village, to become agents of positive change in their communities. Donations are directed toward providing children with food, supplies, and educational materials. Life Coaching Ministries is committed to creating sustainable change in Malawian communities through this event.
We provided summer camps for 250 children in Zapita, one of the villages we operate in Malawi, with your support last summer. It is an under-resourced community. Moreover, it is one of the poorest villages in the country, where many people and children lack opportunities and hope.
Our ministry provides hope to a wide range of children with diverse needs. Through God's work and sports activities, we provide opportunities that allow children to be children in a safe environment. We also provide mentorship where we serve as role models for the children as well as high-protein, vitamin-rich food for the children. What is the purpose of food? As this is one of the poorest communities in the country, most children receive their only meal at our programs. As part of our mission, we strive to provide children with access to basic nutrition and nourishment that they would not otherwise have. Furthermore, we strive to ensure that the meals we provide are healthy, balanced, and nutritious. The purpose of our program is to help the children develop physically, mentally, and spiritually.
It is our goal to reach 350 children who will benefit from this year's summer camp program. In this regard, we would appreciate your support and keeping you informed of our progress. Our goal is to provide 8750 meals to 350 children over the course of five weeks. 

Furthermore, we would like to take 250 children to Lake Malawi, one of the most scenic lakes on earth. The majority of them will be experiencing God's beauty for the first time. This experience will be life-changing for them, as they will be able to appreciate nature in a whole new way. They will be inspired to appreciate everything that God has blessed us with. We hope that this trip will bring joy and peace into their lives.

Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you.
1. Lake trip for 250 children:  $1500
2. High protein meals for 350 children:  $2000
3. Sports equipment and materials:  $500
4. Stipends for 12 Street Leaders:  $500.

Dear friends,

t is extremely unusual for an orphan, who lost both of his parents and had no relatives to care for him, to get his master’s degree and become a young executive director leading a large ministry in Malawi that serves homeless children, orphans, and local village children. In my life, I have encountered lovely people whose names have been etched into my heart. They have offered me love, patience, guidance and support like a parent along the way. I couldn't be here today sharing all of this with you, friends, if it weren’t for you. I am forever grateful for what God has done through all your support.

In the past year, I established an orphanage for girls that has now grown to have 13 girls living in the best possible condition, attending school, receiving meals, being mentored, and knowing God. The beautiful smiles and the effort they demonstrate in education have been inspiring. In addition, I am aware of what Jesus Christ has done to give them a safe place in which to grow in his likeness by giving them this house. I call it the “House of the Lord.” All of this has been accomplished because of your support, and I pray that God continues to bless you as He has blessed us. 

Homeless girls face several challenges every day, including rape, abuse, and lack of shelter, food, and protection. Imagine an 11-year-old girl who was without a home due to being an orphan. After losing both of her parents at a young age, Tasmia was abandoned by her relatives. She eventually lived with her older sister, who married at 17, leaving Tasmia homeless. – without shelter, food, or education. This ministry is so important here in Malawi since we are the only organization that can provide shelter and education to homeless children and provide them with the greatest gift of all, the gift of God.

Tasmia before coming to the orphanage.

After hearing her story a few months ago, I decided to bring her to the girls' orphanage. Her welcome by the girls in our safe home has led to a happy life. As a smart girl, she started school in grade 5 and will enter grade 6 in September. I am grateful for her life and for her being a part of this family. One thing she is grateful for is the home, food, loving family, and the education she is being provided now. As a child, she enjoys studying English as her subject, she hopes to become like Uncle Hamilton (who is Myself)  she loves seeing how I love them, and when she grows up she wants to take care of others, too. She enjoys reading, playing soccer and talking with God. 

Tasmia with her friends at the orphanage now.

We encourage you to visit the link below to learn more about the sponsorship program and how you can support your favorite girls and see them grow and achieve their dreams.

Dear friends,

All the time, I receive these statements from the children such as "Hey Uncle Hami, why are we ending this program so soon?" referring to Summer Camp. Children enjoy the program so much because it teaches them more about God and often provides them with their only food. My observation during this program was that most of the children were bringing up empty food containers and plastic papers, and I asked them why they were doing this. It was so surprising to hear one kid reply openly that he knew that “Uncle, this is where we get our only food for the day, so we are attempting to eat less so that we can keep food for dinner.” Sometimes we take things for granted, but seeing children struggling with food is so heartbreaking, and this is the reason why we conduct such a program.

Thanks to you, friend, we are able to make such a significant difference in the lives of these children by providing them with beautiful programs and delicious meals.
It was our intention to work with 300 children this summer, but guess what? We had 450 children attending the program every day, and delicious meals were served every day to nourish them. I am so happy that they have learned so much. It is my prayer as I worship God that I see children being happy all the time as a result of this program.

Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you. Please find attached a link to my Google Drive where all the beautiful photos and videos can be found.

Have fun!

"When God Changes Lives: Meet Juliet"

Even though Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa, it is rich in gratitude and friendly people. It is still a battle for us to overcome poverty, and my ministry exists to bridge the gap by raising a generation that knows God and helps them to become independent. One of the ways to do this is to provide education to these less privileged children. My background is an orphan, a former homeless child with no hope. However, thanks to God, I have both a bachelor's and a master's degree. In addition, I serve hundreds of orphans, homeless, and hopeless children in my home country. I provide shelter, food, education, God, and a better future for them. My friend, this can only be the work of God! I am eternally grateful for all your support.

Here is Juliet. What a beautiful girl.

joined our Safe Homes for Girls orphanage. You know what, she was selected to attend Dzenza Secondary School, a boarding school here in Malawi, and not every child is selected to attend this school unless they perform well on their elementary exams, which she did. A new chapter in her life began on the 11th of this month with the beginning of high school. All of this is the work of God, without a doubt. 

Here is the Juliet’s Family.
Juliet in White getting ready for school.
Here is a brief background on her. Since 2008, her father has been unable to work due to illness. The doctors discovered a tumor in his spinal cord that affected his mental functioning, while his mother operates a small business with less than $35 and assumes all responsibility for him. Financial constraints prevent them from funding high school education. Consequently, God connected her with my ministry. We offered her our support and moved her to our girls' orphanage as well.
I have written these stories to provide you with an understanding of what life is like on the other side. The hope we are providing cannot be explained other than by the fact that one day you will come and see it for yourself. Because of your support, God is writing stories for hundreds of children here in my ministry.Juliet's high school tuition is $110 per semester, and as I stated previously, she is currently enrolled in school. Thanks be to God!
We began school on the 11th of this month, and I am thrilled to report that all the boys and girls in the orphanages, after-school program, and those on sponsorship have settled in well. The students we serve are in the second, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. I am amazed at this!The total number of students is 26 girls and 15 boys in high school and elementary school. In addition, we have 200 children participating in our after-school program.I just wanted to thank you for all your support and prayers for my ministry. God is making all this impact possible through all of you.
Please pray for me
I would like to ask for your prayers for strength and faith in my calling. This is because sometimes it feels lonely. However, I know that I have a large army praying for me. I would appreciate it if you could continue to ask that His spirit to work through me for the goodness and mercy of the children of Malawi.
Sad News
 I just wanna share this so that you can keep us in prayers. I have a girl staying at the orphanage who had a single parent (a mother) and the father passed away years ago. So she got remarried and I just got the news that the mother was murdered by the new husband. So sad to hear that ..... but she is 11 years and we agreed not to tell her about it now since it will mess her up as she has been through a lot already. Asking for prayers for her and the relatives.
Here is Loveness.

Dear friends,

Being an orphan and homeless for over 12 years was a challenging experience for me. As a homeless person living on the streets of Lilongwe, Malawi, I remember sleeping under the bridge. I was hopeless until I was given a place at the orphanage. That is where I received my first bed, new bedding, clean water, food, and an education. For me, it was like heaven on earth. Since I was a young child growing up at the orphanage, I was aware that my only parent was God through those who were supporting me. As of today, I provide shelter to more than 27 homeless and orphaned children in Malawi. Currently, we are running one of the most effective ministries in Malawi, and God is doing amazing things. My goal has always been to have a home where many children will feel at home, and we started by renting a home where 14 girls live comfortably and can receive an education
Fears and challenges I face.
It is going well now, but my greatest fear has always been the possibility of becoming homeless again and having a group of children. Whenever I am at peace, the only trauma is the possibility of being evicted. We recently had a rent increase when I should have expected it every year and in the long run, it will be difficult to live with children in these homes.In addition, due to a lack of space in our orphanages, I am limited in the number of children I can help. Therefore, there are many children in need of assistance.
The construction of an orphanage for girls
It has been my prayer to find a solution to this issue, and the solution is to build our own girl’s orphanage on our land. According to my research, the only proper way to begin building is to build in phases. There is a plan to build a Six-bedroom home that can accommodate 25 children at a time. The fact that what I have been desiring in life has come true will give more hope to many homeless children and orphans. You know what friend; this will also give me peace of mind to know that what I have desired in life has come true. I pray that resources will be provided to construct a home for the children.
Here is what I have now.
There are about 12 acres of land ready for construction, about 100,000 bricks that will suffice to build the home, and a borehole that will provide water throughout the project.
The cost of the building is $45,000.
Hi friend, would you be willing to help me raise money to build an orphanage for girls? Alternatively, could you support us by contributing the entire amount needed for the project? Once the facility is completed, you will be able to name it. Additionally, everyone who supported this project will have their names printed on the orphanage's walls. This will serve as a reminder of your generosity towards the home. Let's work together and make this dream come true for many children.

Thanks, and blessings to you.

"As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith that you have been taught. Abound in it with thanksgiving."-Colossians 2: 6-7.
Looking back two years ago, I was in the USA for the first time and was given the privilege to pursue my master’s degree at Cairn University under UrbanPromise International. After completing my studies, I presented my proposal to come back home and run a non-profit that would serve underprivileged children in Malawi by providing them with shelter, food, and education, and sharing the Good News.
However, my biggest fear was raising funds to start this ministry. I was scared about how I would raise all the money needed to run the programs. I remember having a tough conversation with Dr. Bruce, the founder of UrbanPromise, and he told me that "if it is God’s will, it will come to fulfillment". This faith is what I hold onto today.
Now, after one year and five months running beautiful programs that are giving hope to hundreds of children, I am here to testify that God has done amazing things in my life through your support towards Life Coaching Ministries. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to wish you all a happy one and remind you that you are the true hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
In this season, I would like to request your support in building the Girl's Orphanage, as I shared in my previous newsletter. My goal is to raise $45,000 to build a home that can house 20-25 children. Also, my birthday is coming up soon, and I will be turning 28 on the 27th of this month. Keep me in your prayers.
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving from Life Coaching Ministries in Malawi.

Dear friends,

I hope this message finds you doing well. I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm expressing my gratitude for your generous support towards the children we serve in Malawi. Your kindness and compassion have been an incredible blessing.

May God continue to bless you and your loved ones in all your endeavors.

Be on the lookout for some exciting updates coming in January.

Thank you again for making a difference in the lives of these children.

Warm regards

Dear friends,

I would like to share with you some exciting updates regarding the construction of the orphanage. Now that the building has a name, it will be referred to as the Cornerstone Girls' Safe Home. As of now, the window level has been completed, and the next step will be the completion of the walls, the installation of windows, and the roofing.

There is no doubt that this project was blessed by God, and we are fortunate to have a dedicated team working tirelessly on the ground. We are deeply grateful for the outpouring of support and prayers that we have received so far.

Furthermore, I am thrilled to report that the timbers and iron sheets are ready; hopefully, you will see beautiful photos of the home this month.

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