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Welcome, everyone, to the new year – 2022 – the year of blessings. I would like to wish you a happy new year and thank you for your fruitful generosity in 2021 since I embarked on this God-Given journey with you all. I stand here strong knowing that you have got my back, as I am serving and changing the lives of these homeless children and orphans in Malawi.

Today, most of my population are the street homeless children that I am working with within Lilongwe. Out of the 75 homeless children, 15 of them are going to school while living in the streets. When I return to Malawi this year, I will rent them home so that they can be safe and focus on their education.

That me standing in front of the kids during our summer camp program

I started supporting these kids about four years ago, and most of them are now in elementary schools, doing as well as other students. Some are now in high school working so hard. Isn’t that beautiful? All this has been made possible because of you and your prayers. I always thank God for your friendship. I also thank God that schools have started again after another difficult year.

In my last newsletter, I shared a story about Moses Thengeza who came as a refugee to Malawi from Burundi. At the age of seven, he was abandoned by his mother whom he has never seen. The young boy lived in the streets for seven years, facing many challenges. Imagine being sexually harassed and abused at seven years old while living without food and a home. But now that’s history! After I began to support his educational and physical needs, I have seen Moses grow into a smart boy. He just started his high school education this month at one of the boarding schools in town! Now he is off the streets, focusing on his education and the importance of God who he has come to know as his Lord and Savior. There are a lot of kids that have amazing stories, and you are the ones making the difference in their lives today.
Moses Ready for School

This school semester I have registered fifteen kids to go back to school, and all of them are street homeless kids. These kids are why I am here asking for help on behalf of them and why this year I am going back to Malawi to serve them. I have faith that my mission is going to serve more children and bring them to God, our creator, too. This work blows my mind all the time, and I am challenged to give all I must to change their lives. I have eight high school kids (grades 9-10) and 7 kids that are in elementary school (grades 4-7).

His name is Francis age 13. He is in grade 5 and he likes Mathematics. He has been in street for 3 years now. He lost all his parents when he was 9 years. His name is Davie Mandevu. He is an orphan and he has been in the streets for 8 years. Now he is in grade 10.

I would like to thank you so much for all your support and for being a true friend in Jesus Christ. You are indeed the feet and the hands of Jesus Christ. Be safe and keep in touch!

Hamilton Douglas Banda
Executive Director, Life Coaching
Dear Friends,
A couple of weeks ago we opened the doors again for our kids living homeless in Lilongwe, Malawi, after having severe rains that have affected a lot of people in the country. The number of kids living in the streets homeless is still increasing due to so many factors, such as poverty, as it is the biggest problem in the nation. Therefore, our street outreach programs act as a beacon of hope and holistic transformation to these boys and girls who are orphans and homeless in the city of Lilongwe by providing them a place where they can be kids, play games, eat nutritious food, and get some basic needs like soap and clothes. For most of them, it is their first opportunity to talk about their fears and goals.
Games during Afterschool program
As a ministry, we put God first in everything we do because we want these kids to grow with the love of God since we believe that without God in our lives we cannot change to be transformed human beings. That’s why our goal is to teach these kids while they are young to know God in their lives. My job is to serve these children better with a loving heart from the Father, as I believe that God has put me in this place to be their earthly father.
Last Saturday we had three wonderful girls come to our program. They had been living homeless in the streets of Lilongwe for two weeks. They are so young – ages 8-10. As you are reading this, I know you are probably confused like “Why are they not home now? Where are their parents? Are they related to each other? Why in the streets? Where do they sleep and where do they get their food?” All those questions are so important.
 Naomi, Malita, and Ruth
These girls are Naomi, Malita, and Ruth (pictured from right to left). They are not related to one another, not even from the same village, but they developed a sisterhood within two weeks of meeting each other in the streets. They all shared the same story of having a single mother who took them into the streets to beg for money and find food. But their mothers now do not even take care of them. They told my coworker, his name? that they had been abused a couple of times, had no source of food and also slept on a bare floor without beddings. But they said they would like to go to school and change their stories and be able to help others too. As I was hearing this on the phone, I was moved and asked “How can I help?”
I believe that “What these kids need is more than good policies and programs. They need parents-people, adults, who will remember their names, celebrate their birthdays, know their favorite colors, and enjoy taking them to the swings. Children flourish when loved, and love takes people.” (From Greg W. Burch’s book, “Community Children: A Ministry of Hope and Restoration for the Street Dwelling Child.”)I would love to give Naomi, Malita, and Ruth the same opportunity I had to leave the streets – to have the necessities of life, to get an education, and to work hard to make a difference in the lives of others.
I’m sharing this with you today as the Lord has placed their special story on my heart to bring life, joy, and love to these children. Please pray for our ministry and consider donating to enable us to help these three girls and many others.
Thanks for your continued support of Life Coaching Ministries.
Hamilton Douglas Banda
Executive Director, Life Coaching Ministries
Phone: 609-792-1131
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Dear friends,

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”-Galatians 6:9

It’s about time

My time is coming to an end here in the United States with the UrbanPromise International fellowship Program and that brings a bittersweet feeling knowing that I am about to miss you. On the other hand, it is a joy to head back to Malawi this coming June 29 to finally launch the ministry. I cannot wait to share all the good news with you, including photos and videos of the children in my program.

Look at what you have impacted – thank you!

I am grateful and encouraged for all the generosity you have shown to me and Life Coaching Ministries. For the past two years with the power and the love of God, we have put 16 homeless children in schools (10 in high school and 6 in elementary); we have fed 75 homeless and orphaned children; finally, we have housed 14 children in a temporary shelter. Praise God!!! There is more to be done and we depend on your loving hearts and generosity. Know that you are making a huge impact on a child who has no hope as long as they are living orphaned or on the streets in Malawi.

About my school progress and graduation
I will be finishing my last course online this coming August, and with my graduation on December 17, I will be flying back into the country for the ceremony and fundraising opportunities too. Keep me in your prayers!!

Help us buy a vehicle
The journey of raising funds to make the ministry and my calling successful is very critical and in progress. Please consider supporting the purchase of a vehicle that will be used for transportation and office use. Funds will cover buying and shipping as well as paying for duty and taxes. I am planning to purchase an affordable, used Toyota car which will be easy to service in Malawi. Please consider helping towards this campaign.
Help us to raise $5,000

With gratitude and much hope

I am thankful for the many incredible friendships I’ve made while in the U.S. Your compassion and support of our mission to provide hope and opportunities for street children in Lilongwe have inspired me to stay focused on God’s goal. And now the time has almost come to reap the harvest of changed lives

Ways to Support Us:
Send Check to:
UrbanPromise International, PO Box 156, Pennsauken, NJ 08110
IMPORTANT: Remember to write “Life Coaching Ministries” on the memo line of your check.
Thank you again!

Hamilton Douglas Banda
Executive Director, Life Coaching Ministries
Phone: 609-792-

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