Even though Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa, it is rich in gratitude and friendly people. It is still a battle for us to overcome poverty, and my ministry exists to bridge the gap by raising a generation that knows God and helps them to become independent. One of the ways to do this is to provide education to these less privileged children. My background is an orphan, a former homeless child with no hope. However, thanks to God, I have both a bachelor's and a master's degree. In addition, I serve hundreds of orphans, homeless, and hopeless children in my home country. I provide shelter, food, education, God, and a better future for them. My friend, this can only be the work of God! I am eternally grateful for all your support.
Here is Juliet. What a beautiful girl.
joined our Safe Homes for Girls orphanage. You know what, she was selected to attend Dzenza Secondary School, a boarding school here in Malawi, and not every child is selected to attend this school unless they perform well on their elementary exams, which she did. A new chapter in her life began on the 11th of this month with the beginning of high school. All of this is the work of God, without a doubt.
Here is the Juliet’s Family.
Juliet in White getting ready for school.
Here is a brief background on her. Since 2008, her father has been unable to work due to illness. The doctors discovered a tumor in his spinal cord that affected his mental functioning, while his mother operates a small business with less than $35 and assumes all responsibility for him. Financial constraints prevent them from funding high school education. Consequently, God connected her with my ministry. We offered her our support and moved her to our girls' orphanage as well.
I have written these stories to provide you with an understanding of what life is like on the other side. The hope we are providing cannot be explained other than by the fact that one day you will come and see it for yourself. Because of your support, God is writing stories for hundreds of children here in my ministry.Juliet's high school tuition is $110 per semester, and as I stated previously, she is currently enrolled in school. Thanks be to God!
We began school on the 11th of this month, and I am thrilled to report that all the boys and girls in the orphanages, after-school program, and those on sponsorship have settled in well. The students we serve are in the second, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. I am amazed at this!The total number of students is 26 girls and 15 boys in high school and elementary school. In addition, we have 200 children participating in our after-school program.I just wanted to thank you for all your support and prayers for my ministry. God is making all this impact possible through all of you.
Please pray for me
I would like to ask for your prayers for strength and faith in my calling. This is because sometimes it feels lonely. However, I know that I have a large army praying for me. I would appreciate it if you could continue to ask that His spirit to work through me for the goodness and mercy of the children of Malawi.
Sad News
I just wanna share this so that you can keep us in prayers. I have a girl staying at the orphanage who had a single parent (a mother) and the father passed away years ago. So she got remarried and I just got the news that the mother was murdered by the new husband. So sad to hear that ..... but she is 11 years and we agreed not to tell her about it now since it will mess her up as she has been through a lot already. Asking for prayers for her and the relatives.
Here is Loveness.
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